While iOS 4 changed the game for many users with OCD tendencies, due to the addition of folders, the folders themselves can become a bit of a mess. But what if you could put all of your folders inside folders?
Thanks to a glitch in iOS 5, it’s actually possible. Just as you can hide the Newsstand icon inside a folder, you can hide other folders inside of a folder as well. The trick is very much the same as with Newsstand, just drag an app onto another app to create a folder, then grab the folder you want to bring into it right before the folder appears on your screen, then drop it inside. If that sounds a bit complicated, no worries, here is how to do it on video:
The downside is that your iPhone will crash and respring (translation: restart the home screen) if you try to open a folder once it’s inside another folder. But, you’ll be able to get that folder and the apps it contains out easily if you ever need it, and this definitely makes for a great joke.
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